Wednesday, November 12, 2008

YOUR-LIFE You Lan men ---- the success of men's territory

YOUR-LIFE You Lan beauty men - men's fashion label
A men's exclusive carrier for the space to specialized skin care as a means to shape the face of the male body-building for the idea in order to adjust for the purpose of male physical and mental leisure activity, a trend rapidly, and this is men's beauty. Men's beauty as a men's fashion labels, in no way inferior to more than women. Elite men's leisure travel is no longer at each meal, or in the noisy bar to hang around dawn. They not only concerned about weight loss, weight loss and exercise, the same can be said that they prefer to enjoy SPA massage, beauty care.
一种以男士专属空间为载体、以专业的皮肤护理为手段、以塑造男性容颜健美为表象、以调整男性身心为目的的休闲方式,正在迅速形成一种风尚,这就是男士美容。男士美容做为一种男人的时尚标签,绝不比女人们来得逊色。精英男士们的休闲生活不再辗转于每一场饭局之间,或者在喧嚣的酒吧里流连到天明。他们不仅关心塑身、减肥和运动,可以说他们同样喜欢享受 SPA 按摩、美容保健。

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