Friday, November 14, 2008

SK-II 28 anniversary limited edition of Essence skin care market

Body continue to create visible change beautiful 28-year commitment, SK-II 28 anniversary limited edition of Essence skin care market.
28 years ago, a drop of Pitera ® opened the SK-II skin care miracle; Today, many women have already experienced the "water fairy" magic magical effect, to enjoy it by the skin's permeability-ying of the United States, and believe that this beautiful miracle Will continue.
28, the anniversary of the limited edition dating beautiful
To celebrate the "water fairy" was born 28 years, SK-II brand in 2008 will be held in Beijing in the Friends of the Christmas special department launched a special commemorative edition of the exposed skin care cream, and in January 2009 in the country for sale, limited edition bottle of 5000 . This limited edition of "water fairy" is the most consistent feature of the elegant simplicity of translucent glass body, inscribed quite a sense of movement of the white "Since 1980" the words to mark the skin of experts in Japan in 1980 for the first time found the magic Pitera ® The skin-care ingredients. In the outer color of choice, continue to be used by the Japanese master volume packaging design wave Jae-in, "water fairy" was born at a time when the design for its classic red wine. At that time, the designers in order to show SK-II's distinguished texture, spared no expense in making the selection of packing 24-color printing, in order to be able to deploy up his mind on behalf of SK-II the kind of simple and unique deep red, the brand is also Would like to take that SK-II skin for 28 years of commitment to beauty. At the same time, This limited edition of "god of water," the unprecedented capacity to 250ml, many return to the "water gods" for those who like to use SK-II brand has long been the strong support.
28 years of beautiful miracle from 1980
As the most respected brands in the history of a product, SK-II skin cream Lu won, including well-known entertainers, models and makeup artist, and other top elites from all walks of life love and support, Carina Lau, Chi Chi, Sammi Cheng, and other well-known artists will each The days of using the product, and the latest global brand spokesperson - Oscar Actress Cate Blanchett is it as "a necessity of life." In 2007, Cate went to Japan to visit the origin of SK-II products, as well as research and development, travel, through her calligraphy, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, such as the Oriental art of learning, but also more aware of the "water gods" and SK - II brand behind the deep connotations. Cate during a visit to the SK-II in Kobe, Japan, the R & D center, said she lives two unswervingly pursue the one family and the other is the SK-II, she will never give up.
SK-II skin care Essence of the core components of living cells Pitera ® Yeast is a fluid Metabolism yeast essence of the late 1970s, Japanese experts found the skin of brewing wine sake of Japan's workers hand very white skin, smooth, even in old age The old woman, whose hands are very soft and meticulous, after years of careful study, experts finally discovered the secret behind this - Pitera ®, and was first launched in 1980 with the magic ingredient of the make-up water - SK Lu-II skin care cream.
SK-II Pitera ® is based on the theory of Microbiology, the use of carefully selected natural yeast fermentation, to extract the precious element of healthy skin contains essential amino acids, minerals, organic acids, vitamins, and other natural ingredients. Pitera ® is currently only in the natural environment purification generation, not synthetic, also known as the precious than gold skin care products St. Pitera ® with the effectiveness of the seven magic: moisturizing effect, the depth of moisture; repair wrinkles, the revival of cells; skin to improve the physical, promote blood circulation; inhibit melanin deposition; conditioning skin PH value of convergence pores; calm after the sun and skin; inhibit fat Inflammatory reaction, and so on, so full of touching the skin of the honor, flexible and detailed, sophisticated look.
At the end of the season for the New Year, all consumers are invited to visit the brand SK-II authorized the special counter to experience more accurate, more scientific test of skin and beauty consultants are considerate of professional advisory services, in accordance with the test results provide you with a reliable reference Numerical and personalized skin maintenance recommendations, all-round experience in the SK-II skin maintenance and professional efforts to pay, so their best to meet the face of the coming new year for. 缔造剔透美肌 延续28年不变的美丽承诺,SK-II 28周年纪念版护肤精华露限量上市。
  为了庆祝“神仙水”诞生28周年,SK-II品牌将于08年圣诞节在北京中友百货专柜推出特别纪念版的护肤精华露,并于2009年1月起在全国发售,限量5000瓶。此款限量版“神仙水”最大特点在于一贯简洁优雅的半透明玻璃瓶身上,镌刻了颇具流动感的白色“Since 1980”字样,以纪念日本皮肤专家在1980年首度发现Pitera® 这一神奇的护肤成分。而在外包装的颜色选择方面,继续沿用由日本包装设计大师卷波宰平在“神仙水”诞生之时为其设计的经典酒红色。当年,这位设计大师为了展现SK-II的尊贵质感,不惜重金在制作外包装时选择24色印刷,以调配出他心中能够代表SK-II的那种简洁而有深意的独特红色,品牌也希望借此表示SK-II对于肌肤28年不变的美丽承诺。同时,此款限量版“神仙水”的容量也前所未有的增至250ml,来回报众多“神仙水”爱用者对于SK-II品牌长久以来的大力支持。
  28年的美丽奇迹 源于1980
  作为品牌历史上最受推崇一款产品,SK-II护肤精华露赢得了包括知名演艺人士、顶级模特及化妆师等各界精英的喜爱和支持,刘嘉玲、琦琦、郑秀文等知名艺人都会每天使用这款产品,而品牌的最新全球代言人——奥斯卡影后Cate Blanchett更是将它视为“生活的必需品”。2007年,Cate亲赴日本,探访SK-II的起源以及产品的研发过程,旅行中,她通过对书法、茶道、插花等东方艺术的学习,也更多的了解到“神仙水”及SK-II品牌背后的深厚内涵。Cate在参观了SK-II在日本神户的研发中心后表示,她一生有两个矢志不渝的追求,一个是家庭,另一个就是SK-II,她都永远不会放弃。
  SK-II Pitera®是根据微生物学理论,利用精心挑选的天然酵母发酵后,提炼出的珍贵成分,内含有健康皮肤不可或缺的氨基酸、矿物质、有机酸、维生素等天然成分。Pitera®目前只能在天然环境下提纯生成,并不能人工合成,被称为比黄金还要珍贵的护肤圣品。Pitera®具有的七大神奇功效:特效保湿、深度滋润;修复皱纹、复活细胞;改善肌肤生理、促进血液循环;抑制黑色素沉淀;调节肌肤PH值、收敛毛孔;镇定日晒后肌肤;抑制发炎反应等,使肌肤焕发动人的光采,细致有弹性,看起来晶莹剔透。

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