Friday, November 28, 2008

Jade Garden Poetry DHC compact emulsion powders

Coenzyme Q10 to be created by the activities of cells necessary for energy, but with the age increase gradually to reduce its content. DHC concerns in a timely manner to maintain skin condition can not be a lack of young beauty-making ingredient coenzyme Q10, to the use of its skin care. DHC compact emulsion powders to prevent crystallization of coenzyme Q10, is a skin can increase penetration of high-function emulsion. DHC compact powders and make-up water with the skin can use a higher concentration of coenzyme Q10, is a unique DHC skin care series.辅酶Q10能制造细胞活动所必需的能量,但随着年龄增长其含量逐渐减少。DHC及时关注到维持肌肤年轻状态不可欠缺的划时代美容成分辅酶Q10,将其运用到肌肤护理中。DHC紧致焕肤乳液可防止辅酶Q10结晶化,是一款可提高肌肤渗透力的高机能乳液。与DHC紧致焕肤化妆水搭配使用能使肌肤获得更高浓度的辅酶Q10,是DHC独有的护肤系列。

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