Wednesday, November 12, 2008

High-wire Sekkisei: Yun-cool white cream mask listing

& White to concentrate focus on moisture, the skin of the coveted luxury experience Concentrated essence of Chinese side so as to allow the power plant was focused on skin whitening and moisturizing concentrate!
◎ each time by a simple focus on nursing, so that gradually the skin from the inside out through flash-ying clear shiny liquid whitening beauty mask.
◎ unique ultra-fine emulsion technology amino acid, lecithin, plant alcohol, Squalane 4 kinds of organisms similar to this component (similar to the composition of horny skin) combined constitute the core of the film substrate, and to support the stability of vitamin C, so Whitening Moisture Mask of the outstanding balance function.
China drops of condensate ◎ For the Chinese side the best plants in the most direct beauty fluid-saturated Mask (100% cotton) way to make the skin have been nourishment from the depths of the skin and repair. Han Fang whitening plants and the performance of active moisturizing and conditioning as a result of UV-damaged skin and makes skin gradually emerged as Ning Zhi-like white.
◎ thick texture of the film can be soft and comfortable to face contours put together, and moisten the luxury and comfort wrapped in the skin. 10-15 minutes later when the film opened, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that Fortress Shuirun cheeks skin, the more significant expression Yi Yi.

集中美白 & 集中保湿,肌肤梦寐以求的奢侈体验


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