Saturday, August 2, 2008

World ten big disguise one of the brands--Dior(世界十大化妆品品牌之迪奥)

2005年初夏推出新香水,命名:SECRET WISH,瓶盖镶上透明的小天使,在月亮照耀下的森林里,就像童话故事中的神秘天使,希望为少女达成秘密的愿望,瓶身设计娇俏可爱,香味怡人,绝对是少女愿望。清新的柠檬、蜜瓜及桃加上香甜的菠萝和黑葡萄,为这支香水加添少女的芳香,最后以白松木及龙涎香作基调,引发梦幻思潮。
Product name:Make a wish the spirit lady's perfumeManufactory:ANNA SUIBrand:Anna Su/ANNA SUIThe classification belong to:Female perfumeThe product explain:2005 beginning of year summer release new perfume and assign name to:SECRET WISH, the bottle cover insets up the transparent little angel, be like the mysterious angel in the fairy tale in the moon shine in glory the next forest, hope to reach clandestine wishes for the young girl, bottle the body design Jiao Qiao be lovely, flavor Yi the person be absolutely a young girl wishes.Delightfully fresh lemon, sweet melon and peach plus sweet Bo Luo with black grape and is young girl for this perfume annexation of fragrance, finally with white pine and ambergris joss-stick make keynote, cause dreamlike current of thought.

迪奥的名字“Dior”在法语中是“上帝”和“金子”的组合。以他的名字命名的品牌Christian Dior(简称),自1947年创始以来,一直是华丽与高雅的代名词。不论是时装、化妆品或是其他产品,CD在时尚殿堂一直雄踞顶端。 1935年,独立的早期,Dior经历了一段非常黑暗的时光。每天他得从报纸上的小广告中搜索工作机会,他没有固定的地址,时而与朋友同住,时而露宿街头,饥一餐,饱一餐,最终得了肺结核。尽管如此,Dior始终没有垮下。有一天当Dior因找不到工作而陷入深深失意时,一位时装界的朋友建议他画一些时装设计图,不料却大受欢迎。每一份设计都充分展露出他独特的才能,他紧紧抓住生活中的动态,每一份设计都如此地栩栩如生。 1937年,他终于成为“Pignet”公司的时装设计师。就在此时,第二次世界大战爆发,Dior>被迫离开巴黎与家人团聚。当他重新返回巴黎时,他那“Pignet”公司时装设计师的位置已被他人替代,他只好成为一位助理。当时的Dior已年过而他周围的朋友均事业有成,该轮到Dior大干一场了。多年的尝试与失败使迪奥日渐成熟,他清楚地意识到了自己的天赋。他是一个天生的设计师,从没学过裁剪、缝纫的技艺,但对裁剪的概念了然在胸,对比例的感觉极为敏锐。 Dior自己曾经说过:“香水是一扇通往全新世界的大门,所以我选择制造香水,哪怕你仅在香水瓶旁边逗留一会,你便能感受到我的设计魅力,我所打扮的每一位女性都散发出朦胧诱人的雅性,香水是女性个性不可或缺的补充,只有它才能点缀我的衣裳,让它更加完美,它和时装一起使得女人们风情万种。” 1973年起,迪奥公司即成立自己的美妍研发中心,他们有近200位研究人员、生物学家、医师、药物学家与全球联网的20多家大学研究中心与科学机构合作,共同在创新美妍科技的最前线努力。对于他们的每款产品,触感一直是迪奥强调的重点,亦是他们坚持不变的传统。柔滑的触感,美丽的肌肤以及迷人的芳香都是女性所要求的重点;迪奥的护肤产品带来的是科技与愉悦的完美结合。

The name"Dior" of Di Ao is the combination of "God" and"gold" in French.The brand Christian assigned name to by his name Dior(brief name), have been gorgeous and elegant pronoun since 1947 initiate.In spite of the that time pack, cosmetics or other products, the CD has been bestride top in the vogue hall.
In 1935, independent earlier period, the Dior experienced a very dark time.He has to search a work opportunity from the small advertisement of newspaper everyday, he doesn't have fixed address, hour but live together with friend, hour but pass night in the street, hungry one meal, satisfied one meal, end got tuberculosis.For all that, the Dior always has no the bottom of Kua.One day be Dior to sink into because of canning not find a work deeply disappointed, a friend of fashionable dresses field suggests that he makes uniform some fashionable dresses a design diagram, didn't expect but go place.Each design well reveals him specially then can, he tightly and tightly holds tight the dynamic state in the life and each design is all thus lifelike.
In 1937, he finally becomes "Pignet" the fashion designer of the company.Even now, the World War II break out, Dior>compelled leave Paris to have a reunion with family.When he re- returns Paris, he that"Pignet" company the position of the fashion designer has already been act for by the others and he has to become an assistant.The then Dior already the year lead but the friend of his surroundings be all successful, that arrive the Dior greatly did 1.Try to make Di Ao gradually mature with failure for several years, he was clearly aware of own natural endowments.He is a born designer and have never once learned to cut, the technical skill of sewing, but clear to the concept for cut in the chest, the felling of contrast example is extremely sharp.
Dior oneself once said:"The perfume is 1 to lead to whole new-world front doors, so my choice manufacturing perfume, which afraid you stop over for a time a short while just by the side of the perfume bottle and you then can feel my design magic power and each females dress up by me send forth hazy captivating friendship and the perfume is female character necessary complement and only it then can embellish my clothes, let it be getting more perfect and it makes the womans exceedingly fascinating and charming together with fashionable dresses."
From 1973, the Di2 Ao4 company namely establishes an own beautiful Yan research & development center, they have more than 20 center and science organization of the university research that 200 near researcher, biologist, doctor, medicine learn a house and global allied net to cooperate, common at creative beautiful Yan science and technology of front line make great effort.For one of their product, the touch has been the point that the Di Ao emphasize, as well is that they insist a constant tradition.All of soft slippery touch, beautiful skin and charming fragrance are the points that the female request;Di Ao's protecting what skin product bring is science and technology with dulcify of perfect combine.

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