Saturday, August 2, 2008

World ten big disguise one of the brands--SHUUEMURA(世界十大化妆品品牌之植树秀)

充满传奇色彩和独特理念的名牌化妆品植村秀,自20世纪60年代创立品牌以来,以品质和服务风靡全球,不仅获得专业人士的拥护,更深受中外女性消费者的欢迎。迄今,植村秀在世界各地已开设了200多家美容专门店和专柜。 “植村秀”的品牌创始人,是当今世界著名化妆艺术大师——植村秀先生。植村秀是日本第一位男性化妆师,也是第一位在好莱坞成名的日本化妆师。作为全球首创“风尚妆容”的先驱,他从1968年开始推出化妆的舞台表演,因而被誉为“将化妆升华成为艺术之第一人”。 植村秀追求“自然、科学、艺术”的完美融合,并以此开发全线完善的美容化妆品,以满足现代女性的不同需求,旗下化妆品涉及三大领域,包括引领风尚的彩妆化妆品,科技创新的护肤系列,以及品质卓越的专业化妆用具。 其中,许多化妆品以其独特的概念和完美的品质而有口皆碑,明星化妆品:洁颜油创下了全球每30秒售出一瓶的惊人记录;海洋深层水成为世界上第一款运用深海水为原料制成的美容化妆品;单色眼影百余款色泽更是迄今无人能比。而植村秀的化妆用具,一直以来都是全球专业化妆师的囊中至爱,植村秀的化妆品倍受诸如麦当娜、詹妮弗-洛佩兹、格温妮斯-派特洛等国际大牌明星的青睐。

The famous brand cosmetics which is full of a legend color with special principle plants a village show, have become popular a world by quality kimono's duty since the 60's in 20 centuries established brand and not only acquire the advocacy of professional, but also deeply is welcome among the Chinese and Foreign female consumer.Plant up to the present the village show has already set up more than 200 stores with specialized hairdressings in the world-wide locations with particularly cabinet.
The brand of "shuuemura" initiates a person, is the disguise art of Zhao in the world nowadays master-plant a village show a Sir.Planting a village show that day originally the first male make-up man is also the Japanese make-up man that the first is located on establish a reputation in Hollywood.Be the pioneer whom the world founds "the vogue makeup permit", he has released the satge performance of disguise since 1968, as a result is praise for"sublimate a disguise to become an art the first person".
Plant the perfect fusion that the village show pursues "nature, science, art", and develops the whole lineses perfect hairdressing cosmetics with this to satisfy the modern female's different need, the underneath cosmetics involves three greatest realms, include a make-up cosmetics of guide the vogue, science and technology creatively protects skin series, and the quality outstanding professional disguise tools and implements.
Among them, many cosmeticses with its special concept with perfect quality but enjoy great popularity, star cosmetics:The oil of Jie Yan set a world each 30 to sell a bottle astonishing record;The ocean deep water becomes Section 1 hairdressing cosmetics which make use of deep sea water to make into for the raw material in the world;Monochrome eye shadow 100 left over sum color and lusters aring also no mans can compare up to the present.But plant the disguise tools and implements of village show, always is a most love in the bag of all global professional make-up man, the cosmetics which plants a village show is subjected to such as the wheat be Nuo, Zhan Ni2 Fu2-Luo to wear, space Wen Ni2 Si-parties especially Luo etc. the favor of the international popular star.

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