Saturday, August 2, 2008

World ten big disguise one of the brands--LAMER(世界十大化妆品品牌之LAMER海蓝之迷)

LA MER 海蓝之谜面霜 30ml

Own the beautiful miracle LAMER of uncommon life experience, represent "ocean" in French.The LAMER sea blue riddle mean enigmatic and beautiful energy in it of the heart of numerous who support and adore.This comes from ocean and assign name to by ocean of legend noodles frost, imitate Fo to contain Xuan machine of open the youth beauty, be like a bottle of"very small miracle". Most expensively protect a skin article in the world, encounter to°from a skin the man of wound to create of ……the birth of miracle, oneself like the myth.50's in last century American ex- space physics expert Michael Si.The He elder brother of one's father Doctor(Dr.MaxHuber) suffered a serious burn in a rocket fuel experiment and the skin of face and arm was almost completely destroyed.Pass by numerous beg of time cures and cures, can't recover the skin organization which causes because of chemistry material the destructive damage of the structure.The persist but widely read of the scientist resolutely resigned from a NASA work and reform the empress garage of oneself laboratory, whole heatedly throw in the research which maintains into the skin.Experience successively 12 years more than 6000 time experiments, finally was named after Cr è medeLaMer(the meaning is from oceanic noodles frost) to be born.The perfect noodles frost which gathers the Doctor several years strenuous effort, miracle sort ground the serious scar formation which cured to like Doctor noodles, make the damaged skin recover the delicacy of hard imagination more gradually smooth.Door mysteriously and only formula, the achievement makes the miraculous and live pick from ocean of the crazy and evil miracle in the world.

拥有非凡身世的美丽奇迹 LAMER,在法文里,代表“海洋”。LAMER海蓝之谜,在它的众多拥戴者心目中,意味着谜一般的美丽能量。这罐来自海洋,以海洋命名的传奇面霜,仿佛蕴含着开启青春美丽的玄机,就像一瓶“小小的奇迹”。 世界上最昂贵的护肤品,是由一个皮肤遭到创伤的男人创造的……奇迹的诞生,本身就如同神话。上世纪五十年代美国前太空物理学专家麦克斯.贺伯博士(Dr.MaxHuber)在一次火箭燃料实验中,遭受了严重灼伤,面部和手臂的皮肤几乎全毁。经过无数次的求医及治疗,都无法恢复因化学物质而导致的皮肤组织结构的毁灭性损坏。这位执着而博学的科学家毅然辞去了NASA的工作,将自家的后车库改造成实验室,全心投入进皮肤保养的研究中。历经12年超过6000次的实验,终于,被命名为CrèmedeLaMer(意思是来自海洋的面霜)诞生了。这款集合了博士多年心血的完美面霜,奇迹般地治好了博士面上的严重疤痕,更逐渐使受损肌肤恢复到了难以想象的细致平滑。神秘的独门配方,成就令世界疯魔的奇迹来自海洋的神奇活性精萃。

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