Saturday, August 2, 2008

World ten big disguise one of the brands--Coco Chanel(世界十大化妆品牌之一香柰儿)

"Chanel meets by chance perfume" brief introduction

The stars joss-stick which continuously circulates adjusts structure and combine delightfully fresh joss-stick to adjust, the fragrance of flower adjust, mordacity joss-stick adjust, each other surrounds each other, continuously flow, creation phantasmagoria aroma.So of flavor right against the face, brave adventure, will also appear at the most unexpected time...When crash will come, you have to courageous accolade, rather than turn around to leave...This be the opportunity, link woman and her future.


"Double C" has already become a kind of pride of vogue field, is also this Earth top, the woman want to own most of brand!Lasting Chanel, Chanel has already become the most well-known brand of world;Double the classic LOGO of the C will inherit a vogue forever popular, never be absent.The Chanel madam(GABRIELLE CHANEL) is born in 1883 and passes away in 1971, the COCO is her childhood name, although she leaves us for a long time, the style of its classic always that time still the founder of boundary.She most shows affection for to be with black and white carry on beautifully changing magically and carry out a kind of absolute pleasant impression and perfect harmony.She leave many become the direct mind tutor who guides to spread this ages to popular viewpoints, she think what the United States point is inside outside all beautiful, although spread to continuously put forth new ideas, the style can never be eliminate.In the meantime her believe deeply is the be"simple" st way which lets the fine texture present and her classic design for leave include:NO.5 perfume, be the inclined line soft, double color shoe, black and small dress etc., the accessories of classic is the leather that the assertion lets woman's hands vacate to wear the handbag that the chain take, she show affection for of the mountain camellia also still blooms in the dinner of silk ans stain the pack the ectype pattern.
Chanel although from clothing house, as early as 1925 she starts entrust to produce a little amount rouge, lipstick and skin care products and provide oneself and the guest use, display just in the Chanel dress boutique, these merchandises have already beat up the CHANEL name, the perfume of the No.5 appears on market in 1921, beginning go toward perfume, cosmetics development, perfume and cosmetics have become Chanel performance very outstanding item now, separate to release a kind of new perfume for a while each time, in the aspects of leading cosmetics fad, Chanel also takes a lot of trouble, the quarterly releases a new merchandise each time, and lead the quarter don't sell!All products have market attraction and magic power very much.Also releases to protect skin series for Chanel the last few years, the complete series is differently various skin qualities, such as oil, neuter gender and stem...etc. to design to protect skin procedure.Chanel actively takes the offensive an Asian skin care products market this several years, the attempt of display mightiness.
Chanel is very intelligent and presumes a challenge tradition, relieve a tradition to take issue toward the customs, be like men and women to pack to mix to wear and become the vogue fad, the shoulder carry on the back type wallet and suit to the sporty elegance, liberation woman, also found the approach in female vogue ages, had been become popular till modern of black and small dress, break that year black clothes the provision that can be mourning costume, Chanel created 1 to belong to her own ages!She establishes the boutique of brand in 1921 and the NO.5 perfume also is born at the same year.Her brave speak:"Does wear the huge hat return an ability an activity?"Over the age of huge female hat, the simple and direct and female hat design by her becomes current point, she, have a little bit creative son of inexhaustibility;She expresses a conflict and expresses her very clear understanding to the public in the meantime.
Chanel from cradle to the grave all not get married, her creation great of vogue empire, pursue the life that oneself want in the meantime, it is a female independent best model, is also the modern era female who know affection fun most .She with British BALSAN friendly intercourse of the nobility ETIENNE, the other party subsidizes her to open the first female hat store, but another ARTHUR CAPEL the property then opens a vogue store;She together goes on a tour with the west quick duke and inspire to design Section 1 an inclined line soft anticipate suit;Each males stir up the source of creativity in the life, she isn't a list to depend lucky, but make great effort very much earnest work!Even until advanced age about 70 years old she still comes out again to see a matter, .Chanel group is in 1983 served as a vogue director general by Karl Lagerfeld, but the up to now each quarterly new product still take Chanel spirit as in order to design a principle, Chanel, lasting Chanel.
Quote from a words in Chanel:"I not apprehensibility woman why can't just for the sake of the performance manner, before go out all dress up well once, every day who know to can be to in the clout a predestined big day?"Chemisette vogue, chemisette Chanel spirit, make this world more beautiful riotous, my love double C!

「双C」已经成为一种时尚界的骄傲,也是这个地球上女人最想拥有的品牌!永远的香奈儿,香奈儿已经成为全球最知名的品牌;双C的经典LOGO将永远袭卷时尚流行、永不缺席。香奈儿夫人(GABRIELLE CHANEL)出生于1883年、逝世于1971年,COCO是她的小名,虽然她离开我们很久,但是其经典的风格一直是时尚界的鼻祖。她最钟爱用黑色与白色进行美丽的幻化,实现一种绝对的美感以及完美的和谐。她留下许多对流行的看法,成为引导这个时代流行的直接心灵导师,她认为美指的是内外皆美,虽然流行不断推陈出新,但是风格永远不会被淘汰。同时她深信“简单”是让美好质感呈现的最佳方式,她留下的经典设计包括:NO.5香水、斜纹软呢、双色鞋、黑色小洋装等等,经典的配件就是主张让女人双手空出来的皮革穿链带的手提包,她钟爱的山茶花也依旧绽放在绸缎的晚宴包浮雕花样里。 香奈儿虽然由服装起家,但早在1925年她就开始委托生产少量腮红、口红和保养品,供自己和客人使用,仅在香奈儿服饰精品店陈列,但这些商品已打上CHANEL名号,1921年五号香水上市,开始往香水、化妆品开发,现在香水与化妆品已成为香奈儿表现相当出色的项目,每隔一阵子就推出一种新香水,在领导化妆品流行方面,香奈儿也煞费苦心,每一季推出一项新商品,而且过季不售!所有产品极具市场吸引力及魅力。香奈儿近几年也推出护肤系列,完整系列为油性、中性及干性等各种肤质设计不同的护肤程序。这几年香奈儿积极进攻亚洲保养品市场,展现强烈的企图心。 香奈儿本身非常聪明且敢于挑战传统,解放传统向世俗唱反调,像男女装混穿、把休闲服变成时尚流行、肩背式皮包与套装,解放女人、也开创女性时尚时代的来临,一直风靡到现代的黑色小洋装,打破当年黑衣服只能当丧服的规定,香奈儿创造了一个属于她自己的时代!她在1921年成立品牌的精品店、同年NO.5香水也诞生。她大胆说出:“戴巨大帽子还能活动吗?”终结巨大女帽的年代,她所设计的简洁女帽成为潮流尖端,她,有用不完的创新点子;她表现出冲突、同时表现她对人心的透彻了解。 香奈儿一生都不没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性。她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店;她与西敏公爵一同出游,启发设计出第一款斜纹软呢料套装;生命中每一个男性都激发创意的泉源,她不是单靠幸运,而是非常努力认真的工作!甚至一直到70多岁的高龄她都还复出视事,。香奈儿集团在1983年由Karl Lagerfeld出任时尚总监,但至今每一季新品仍以香奈儿精神为为设计理念,香奈儿,永远的香奈儿。 引用香奈儿一句话:“我不能理解女人为何不能只是为了表现礼貌,出门前都好好打扮一下,每一天谁知道会不会是命中注定的大日子?”女人的时尚、女人的香奈儿精神,让这个世界更加美丽缤纷,我爱双C!

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