Saturday, August 2, 2008

World ten big disguise one of the brands--LANCOME(世界十大化妆品牌之一兰蔻)

Product name:The beautiful eyes are comfortable to live essence


Brand:Friendship ha friendship/AQUAThe classification

belong to:The essence liquid/essence vegetable

The product explain:Contain natural NAG+B carotene(give the composition of skin flexibility), contain an eye film 10 slices.Touch water is smooth, quick infiltration skin of wear Li form eye benefits, outstanding hydration dint, give stem line, take care of the young line with moisten, make eye department skin tight with the result that but full of and flexible.


In 1935, Armand Petitjean the LANCOME of the establishment, the name speculation comes from a fortress LANCOSME of French central part.Because the on all sides kind of the fortress is full rose, be full of romantic artistic conception, and Armand oneself more think that each women are like a rose, each have it special features and carriage, assign name to by fortress, the rose also became LANCOME brand marking, developped up to now with the LANCOME of perfume house at the earliest stage and had become leading current of all-directions disguise brand.
The LANCOME owns a laboratory with perfect and modern equipments in France, more than 1,400 researchers, develop a forerunner's technique and product annually, cater to the actual need that each one loves of beauty a female, continuously develop much exciting skin care products.But go to oiliness to hydrate gel, whole diverse beautiful lotion etc. be several products, is also that once the consumer use a namely loving product, the LANCOME needs not to doubt at the lead of skin care products position.Recently year, respond to the popular trend of global make-up, the LANCOME make-up image also starts have a change, in addition to maintaining consistent dignified grace, LANCOME this year recruit currently at the French vogue turn voice like the sun at high noon make-up master the Fu Rui be virtuous-the method road good Fred Farrugia hold the post of a make-up creativity a director general.The fashionable vanguard's make-up creativity is a LANCOME make-up to infuse into all new vitality and make person giddy absolute being Chi, is surprised and gorgeous for it.
The LANCOME perfume has been in many female hearts favourite, is regardless green Yi ODE LANCOME, black and dreamlike MAGIE NOIRE, bright TRESOR or poetry love POEME, the each of the LANCOME all of perfumes are the flavors be interesting and deeply plant the classic of public it make.Emphasize that the female grace has to also own just as the LANCOME and hour accompany enter of ages facial appearance, LANCOME spokesperson already from pull according to a kind of insect shell.The match Ni quit office and arrive to own three spokespersons in the meantime currently:Gram the Li Ting Nuo-lotus graceful Li Cristiana Reali of delightfully fresh and beautiful, according to the Lei a kind of insect-silk especially the grace of Ines Sastre be gorgeous with Julie-finish promise Juliette Binoche of the sense deep feeling, appear a female's different appearance for the LANCOME annotation.Be full of the LANCOME of French grace, constructed a beautiful fortress by the Zi of rose, combine high technology, lead vogue, have been LANCOME's heartfelt commitment for all females.
1935年,Armand Petitjean创办的LANCOME,名称构想来自于法国中部的一座城堡LANCOSME。由于城堡的四周种满了玫瑰,充满浪漫意境,而Armand本人更认为每个女人就像玫瑰,各有其特色与姿态,就以城堡命名,玫瑰也就成了LANCOME的品牌标志,最早以香水起家的LANCOME,发展至今,已成为引导潮流的全方位化妆品牌。 LANCOME在法国拥有一座设备完善与现代化的实验室,超过1,400名的研究人员,每年研发出先进的技术和产品,迎合每位爱美女性的实际需求,不断研发出许多令人兴奋的保养品。而去油质保湿凝胶、多元全美乳液等多项产品,更是消费者一用即爱的产品,LANCOME在保养品的领先地位已是毋庸置疑。近来年,因应全球彩妆的流行趋势,LANCOME的彩妆形象也开始有所改变,除了维持一贯的端庄优雅,LANCOME今年延揽了目前于法国时尚圈声如日中天的彩妆大师弗瑞德-法路佳Fred Farrugia担任彩妆创意总监。时髦前卫的彩妆创意,为LANCOME彩妆注入全新活力,令人目眩神驰,为之惊艳。 LANCOME的香水一直是许多女性心中最爱,无论是绿逸ODE LANCOME、黑色梦幻MAGIE NOIRE、璀璨TRESOR或诗情爱意POEME,LANCOME的每支香水都是香味隽永,深植人心的经典之作。一如LANCOME强调女性优雅也必须拥有与时俱进的时代容颜,LANCOME的代言人已从依莎贝拉.罗赛尼的卸任,到目前同时拥有三位代言人:克莉汀娜-荷雅莉Cristiana Reali的清新秀丽,依蕾莎-丝特Ines Sastre的优雅艳丽和茱莉叶-毕诺许Juliette Binoche的知性深情,为LANCOME诠释出现代女性的不同风貌。充满法式优雅的LANCOME,以玫瑰之姿构筑了一座美丽的城堡,结合高科技,领导时尚,一直是LANCOME对所有女性的衷心的承诺。

World ten big disguise one of the brands--Coco Chanel(世界十大化妆品牌之一香柰儿)

"Chanel meets by chance perfume" brief introduction

The stars joss-stick which continuously circulates adjusts structure and combine delightfully fresh joss-stick to adjust, the fragrance of flower adjust, mordacity joss-stick adjust, each other surrounds each other, continuously flow, creation phantasmagoria aroma.So of flavor right against the face, brave adventure, will also appear at the most unexpected time...When crash will come, you have to courageous accolade, rather than turn around to leave...This be the opportunity, link woman and her future.


"Double C" has already become a kind of pride of vogue field, is also this Earth top, the woman want to own most of brand!Lasting Chanel, Chanel has already become the most well-known brand of world;Double the classic LOGO of the C will inherit a vogue forever popular, never be absent.The Chanel madam(GABRIELLE CHANEL) is born in 1883 and passes away in 1971, the COCO is her childhood name, although she leaves us for a long time, the style of its classic always that time still the founder of boundary.She most shows affection for to be with black and white carry on beautifully changing magically and carry out a kind of absolute pleasant impression and perfect harmony.She leave many become the direct mind tutor who guides to spread this ages to popular viewpoints, she think what the United States point is inside outside all beautiful, although spread to continuously put forth new ideas, the style can never be eliminate.In the meantime her believe deeply is the be"simple" st way which lets the fine texture present and her classic design for leave include:NO.5 perfume, be the inclined line soft, double color shoe, black and small dress etc., the accessories of classic is the leather that the assertion lets woman's hands vacate to wear the handbag that the chain take, she show affection for of the mountain camellia also still blooms in the dinner of silk ans stain the pack the ectype pattern.
Chanel although from clothing house, as early as 1925 she starts entrust to produce a little amount rouge, lipstick and skin care products and provide oneself and the guest use, display just in the Chanel dress boutique, these merchandises have already beat up the CHANEL name, the perfume of the No.5 appears on market in 1921, beginning go toward perfume, cosmetics development, perfume and cosmetics have become Chanel performance very outstanding item now, separate to release a kind of new perfume for a while each time, in the aspects of leading cosmetics fad, Chanel also takes a lot of trouble, the quarterly releases a new merchandise each time, and lead the quarter don't sell!All products have market attraction and magic power very much.Also releases to protect skin series for Chanel the last few years, the complete series is differently various skin qualities, such as oil, neuter gender and stem...etc. to design to protect skin procedure.Chanel actively takes the offensive an Asian skin care products market this several years, the attempt of display mightiness.
Chanel is very intelligent and presumes a challenge tradition, relieve a tradition to take issue toward the customs, be like men and women to pack to mix to wear and become the vogue fad, the shoulder carry on the back type wallet and suit to the sporty elegance, liberation woman, also found the approach in female vogue ages, had been become popular till modern of black and small dress, break that year black clothes the provision that can be mourning costume, Chanel created 1 to belong to her own ages!She establishes the boutique of brand in 1921 and the NO.5 perfume also is born at the same year.Her brave speak:"Does wear the huge hat return an ability an activity?"Over the age of huge female hat, the simple and direct and female hat design by her becomes current point, she, have a little bit creative son of inexhaustibility;She expresses a conflict and expresses her very clear understanding to the public in the meantime.
Chanel from cradle to the grave all not get married, her creation great of vogue empire, pursue the life that oneself want in the meantime, it is a female independent best model, is also the modern era female who know affection fun most .She with British BALSAN friendly intercourse of the nobility ETIENNE, the other party subsidizes her to open the first female hat store, but another ARTHUR CAPEL the property then opens a vogue store;She together goes on a tour with the west quick duke and inspire to design Section 1 an inclined line soft anticipate suit;Each males stir up the source of creativity in the life, she isn't a list to depend lucky, but make great effort very much earnest work!Even until advanced age about 70 years old she still comes out again to see a matter, .Chanel group is in 1983 served as a vogue director general by Karl Lagerfeld, but the up to now each quarterly new product still take Chanel spirit as in order to design a principle, Chanel, lasting Chanel.
Quote from a words in Chanel:"I not apprehensibility woman why can't just for the sake of the performance manner, before go out all dress up well once, every day who know to can be to in the clout a predestined big day?"Chemisette vogue, chemisette Chanel spirit, make this world more beautiful riotous, my love double C!

「双C」已经成为一种时尚界的骄傲,也是这个地球上女人最想拥有的品牌!永远的香奈儿,香奈儿已经成为全球最知名的品牌;双C的经典LOGO将永远袭卷时尚流行、永不缺席。香奈儿夫人(GABRIELLE CHANEL)出生于1883年、逝世于1971年,COCO是她的小名,虽然她离开我们很久,但是其经典的风格一直是时尚界的鼻祖。她最钟爱用黑色与白色进行美丽的幻化,实现一种绝对的美感以及完美的和谐。她留下许多对流行的看法,成为引导这个时代流行的直接心灵导师,她认为美指的是内外皆美,虽然流行不断推陈出新,但是风格永远不会被淘汰。同时她深信“简单”是让美好质感呈现的最佳方式,她留下的经典设计包括:NO.5香水、斜纹软呢、双色鞋、黑色小洋装等等,经典的配件就是主张让女人双手空出来的皮革穿链带的手提包,她钟爱的山茶花也依旧绽放在绸缎的晚宴包浮雕花样里。 香奈儿虽然由服装起家,但早在1925年她就开始委托生产少量腮红、口红和保养品,供自己和客人使用,仅在香奈儿服饰精品店陈列,但这些商品已打上CHANEL名号,1921年五号香水上市,开始往香水、化妆品开发,现在香水与化妆品已成为香奈儿表现相当出色的项目,每隔一阵子就推出一种新香水,在领导化妆品流行方面,香奈儿也煞费苦心,每一季推出一项新商品,而且过季不售!所有产品极具市场吸引力及魅力。香奈儿近几年也推出护肤系列,完整系列为油性、中性及干性等各种肤质设计不同的护肤程序。这几年香奈儿积极进攻亚洲保养品市场,展现强烈的企图心。 香奈儿本身非常聪明且敢于挑战传统,解放传统向世俗唱反调,像男女装混穿、把休闲服变成时尚流行、肩背式皮包与套装,解放女人、也开创女性时尚时代的来临,一直风靡到现代的黑色小洋装,打破当年黑衣服只能当丧服的规定,香奈儿创造了一个属于她自己的时代!她在1921年成立品牌的精品店、同年NO.5香水也诞生。她大胆说出:“戴巨大帽子还能活动吗?”终结巨大女帽的年代,她所设计的简洁女帽成为潮流尖端,她,有用不完的创新点子;她表现出冲突、同时表现她对人心的透彻了解。 香奈儿一生都不没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性。她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店;她与西敏公爵一同出游,启发设计出第一款斜纹软呢料套装;生命中每一个男性都激发创意的泉源,她不是单靠幸运,而是非常努力认真的工作!甚至一直到70多岁的高龄她都还复出视事,。香奈儿集团在1983年由Karl Lagerfeld出任时尚总监,但至今每一季新品仍以香奈儿精神为为设计理念,香奈儿,永远的香奈儿。 引用香奈儿一句话:“我不能理解女人为何不能只是为了表现礼貌,出门前都好好打扮一下,每一天谁知道会不会是命中注定的大日子?”女人的时尚、女人的香奈儿精神,让这个世界更加美丽缤纷,我爱双C!

World ten big disguise one of the brands--Dior(世界十大化妆品品牌之迪奥)

2005年初夏推出新香水,命名:SECRET WISH,瓶盖镶上透明的小天使,在月亮照耀下的森林里,就像童话故事中的神秘天使,希望为少女达成秘密的愿望,瓶身设计娇俏可爱,香味怡人,绝对是少女愿望。清新的柠檬、蜜瓜及桃加上香甜的菠萝和黑葡萄,为这支香水加添少女的芳香,最后以白松木及龙涎香作基调,引发梦幻思潮。
Product name:Make a wish the spirit lady's perfumeManufactory:ANNA SUIBrand:Anna Su/ANNA SUIThe classification belong to:Female perfumeThe product explain:2005 beginning of year summer release new perfume and assign name to:SECRET WISH, the bottle cover insets up the transparent little angel, be like the mysterious angel in the fairy tale in the moon shine in glory the next forest, hope to reach clandestine wishes for the young girl, bottle the body design Jiao Qiao be lovely, flavor Yi the person be absolutely a young girl wishes.Delightfully fresh lemon, sweet melon and peach plus sweet Bo Luo with black grape and is young girl for this perfume annexation of fragrance, finally with white pine and ambergris joss-stick make keynote, cause dreamlike current of thought.

迪奥的名字“Dior”在法语中是“上帝”和“金子”的组合。以他的名字命名的品牌Christian Dior(简称),自1947年创始以来,一直是华丽与高雅的代名词。不论是时装、化妆品或是其他产品,CD在时尚殿堂一直雄踞顶端。 1935年,独立的早期,Dior经历了一段非常黑暗的时光。每天他得从报纸上的小广告中搜索工作机会,他没有固定的地址,时而与朋友同住,时而露宿街头,饥一餐,饱一餐,最终得了肺结核。尽管如此,Dior始终没有垮下。有一天当Dior因找不到工作而陷入深深失意时,一位时装界的朋友建议他画一些时装设计图,不料却大受欢迎。每一份设计都充分展露出他独特的才能,他紧紧抓住生活中的动态,每一份设计都如此地栩栩如生。 1937年,他终于成为“Pignet”公司的时装设计师。就在此时,第二次世界大战爆发,Dior>被迫离开巴黎与家人团聚。当他重新返回巴黎时,他那“Pignet”公司时装设计师的位置已被他人替代,他只好成为一位助理。当时的Dior已年过而他周围的朋友均事业有成,该轮到Dior大干一场了。多年的尝试与失败使迪奥日渐成熟,他清楚地意识到了自己的天赋。他是一个天生的设计师,从没学过裁剪、缝纫的技艺,但对裁剪的概念了然在胸,对比例的感觉极为敏锐。 Dior自己曾经说过:“香水是一扇通往全新世界的大门,所以我选择制造香水,哪怕你仅在香水瓶旁边逗留一会,你便能感受到我的设计魅力,我所打扮的每一位女性都散发出朦胧诱人的雅性,香水是女性个性不可或缺的补充,只有它才能点缀我的衣裳,让它更加完美,它和时装一起使得女人们风情万种。” 1973年起,迪奥公司即成立自己的美妍研发中心,他们有近200位研究人员、生物学家、医师、药物学家与全球联网的20多家大学研究中心与科学机构合作,共同在创新美妍科技的最前线努力。对于他们的每款产品,触感一直是迪奥强调的重点,亦是他们坚持不变的传统。柔滑的触感,美丽的肌肤以及迷人的芳香都是女性所要求的重点;迪奥的护肤产品带来的是科技与愉悦的完美结合。

The name"Dior" of Di Ao is the combination of "God" and"gold" in French.The brand Christian assigned name to by his name Dior(brief name), have been gorgeous and elegant pronoun since 1947 initiate.In spite of the that time pack, cosmetics or other products, the CD has been bestride top in the vogue hall.
In 1935, independent earlier period, the Dior experienced a very dark time.He has to search a work opportunity from the small advertisement of newspaper everyday, he doesn't have fixed address, hour but live together with friend, hour but pass night in the street, hungry one meal, satisfied one meal, end got tuberculosis.For all that, the Dior always has no the bottom of Kua.One day be Dior to sink into because of canning not find a work deeply disappointed, a friend of fashionable dresses field suggests that he makes uniform some fashionable dresses a design diagram, didn't expect but go place.Each design well reveals him specially then can, he tightly and tightly holds tight the dynamic state in the life and each design is all thus lifelike.
In 1937, he finally becomes "Pignet" the fashion designer of the company.Even now, the World War II break out, Dior>compelled leave Paris to have a reunion with family.When he re- returns Paris, he that"Pignet" company the position of the fashion designer has already been act for by the others and he has to become an assistant.The then Dior already the year lead but the friend of his surroundings be all successful, that arrive the Dior greatly did 1.Try to make Di Ao gradually mature with failure for several years, he was clearly aware of own natural endowments.He is a born designer and have never once learned to cut, the technical skill of sewing, but clear to the concept for cut in the chest, the felling of contrast example is extremely sharp.
Dior oneself once said:"The perfume is 1 to lead to whole new-world front doors, so my choice manufacturing perfume, which afraid you stop over for a time a short while just by the side of the perfume bottle and you then can feel my design magic power and each females dress up by me send forth hazy captivating friendship and the perfume is female character necessary complement and only it then can embellish my clothes, let it be getting more perfect and it makes the womans exceedingly fascinating and charming together with fashionable dresses."
From 1973, the Di2 Ao4 company namely establishes an own beautiful Yan research & development center, they have more than 20 center and science organization of the university research that 200 near researcher, biologist, doctor, medicine learn a house and global allied net to cooperate, common at creative beautiful Yan science and technology of front line make great effort.For one of their product, the touch has been the point that the Di Ao emphasize, as well is that they insist a constant tradition.All of soft slippery touch, beautiful skin and charming fragrance are the points that the female request;Di Ao's protecting what skin product bring is science and technology with dulcify of perfect combine.

World ten big disguise one of the brands--LAMER(世界十大化妆品品牌之LAMER海蓝之迷)

LA MER 海蓝之谜面霜 30ml

Own the beautiful miracle LAMER of uncommon life experience, represent "ocean" in French.The LAMER sea blue riddle mean enigmatic and beautiful energy in it of the heart of numerous who support and adore.This comes from ocean and assign name to by ocean of legend noodles frost, imitate Fo to contain Xuan machine of open the youth beauty, be like a bottle of"very small miracle". Most expensively protect a skin article in the world, encounter to°from a skin the man of wound to create of ……the birth of miracle, oneself like the myth.50's in last century American ex- space physics expert Michael Si.The He elder brother of one's father Doctor(Dr.MaxHuber) suffered a serious burn in a rocket fuel experiment and the skin of face and arm was almost completely destroyed.Pass by numerous beg of time cures and cures, can't recover the skin organization which causes because of chemistry material the destructive damage of the structure.The persist but widely read of the scientist resolutely resigned from a NASA work and reform the empress garage of oneself laboratory, whole heatedly throw in the research which maintains into the skin.Experience successively 12 years more than 6000 time experiments, finally was named after Cr è medeLaMer(the meaning is from oceanic noodles frost) to be born.The perfect noodles frost which gathers the Doctor several years strenuous effort, miracle sort ground the serious scar formation which cured to like Doctor noodles, make the damaged skin recover the delicacy of hard imagination more gradually smooth.Door mysteriously and only formula, the achievement makes the miraculous and live pick from ocean of the crazy and evil miracle in the world.

拥有非凡身世的美丽奇迹 LAMER,在法文里,代表“海洋”。LAMER海蓝之谜,在它的众多拥戴者心目中,意味着谜一般的美丽能量。这罐来自海洋,以海洋命名的传奇面霜,仿佛蕴含着开启青春美丽的玄机,就像一瓶“小小的奇迹”。 世界上最昂贵的护肤品,是由一个皮肤遭到创伤的男人创造的……奇迹的诞生,本身就如同神话。上世纪五十年代美国前太空物理学专家麦克斯.贺伯博士(Dr.MaxHuber)在一次火箭燃料实验中,遭受了严重灼伤,面部和手臂的皮肤几乎全毁。经过无数次的求医及治疗,都无法恢复因化学物质而导致的皮肤组织结构的毁灭性损坏。这位执着而博学的科学家毅然辞去了NASA的工作,将自家的后车库改造成实验室,全心投入进皮肤保养的研究中。历经12年超过6000次的实验,终于,被命名为CrèmedeLaMer(意思是来自海洋的面霜)诞生了。这款集合了博士多年心血的完美面霜,奇迹般地治好了博士面上的严重疤痕,更逐渐使受损肌肤恢复到了难以想象的细致平滑。神秘的独门配方,成就令世界疯魔的奇迹来自海洋的神奇活性精萃。

World ten big disguise one of the brands--HELENA(世界十大化妆品品牌之赫莲娜)

The He lotus of the 1st skin care products of Wei C in the world Nuo, the fine composition of vitamin C with Anne bottle the type seal completely a packing, let the skin produce an instant reflection, is a He lotus the Nuo is in best-selling famous brand cosmetics in the world;
The brand describes in detail: The HR He lotus Nuo is qualities grace, be full of a legend color from cradle to the grave of He lotus Nuo(Helena Rubinstein) lady originally the world of foundation is the first at the beginning of century international disguise brand, is praise for"the science pioneer of hairdressing field".
The HR He lotus Nuo lady at 1872 was born in Poland, far leave for an Australia at the age of 18, be engaged in medicine formula a work.Therefore excel science and technology usage of the medicine formula is in her protect the formula of skin article.From 1902, she sets up the first beauty salon to rise now in Australia Melbourne and the HR He lotus Nuo brand has already spread over 51 nations and become real hairdressing Kingdom.
The HR He lotus Nuo brand concentrate on serve those expectations benefit at the advanced science and technology result, the astonishing achievement of the hairdressing realm of the experience tomorrow of female.Under support that nations have real strenght most of the research laboratory of hairdressing science and technology always take"protect a skin to carry a medical science first high technology, the make-up leads ages a new principle" as a brand principle, in spite of is melt to remit most a forerunner of medical science, orthopedic surgery science and technology of the breakthrough protect now the skin cosmetics, body are special to protect a skin principle of the "I am characteristic to protect a skin project" ―― well balanced adjust reason project and depth repair and maintenance project, or coagulate an outstanding science and technology result, the noble packing, plentiful smooth texture and novel creativity are at the current cosmetics of the whole body, the HR He lotus Nuo expands the current new road with the book its prospect visual field to, protect a skin to establish for the hairdressing of the future lately standard.
In 2000, the brand military advance of the HR He lotus Nuo China, high technology of protect the make-up of skin, vogue to take China, satisfy to love of beauty female's demand.
世界上第1个维C保养品的赫莲娜,将维他命C的精致成分以安瓶式密封包装,让肌肤产生即时反映,是赫莲娜在全球最畅销的名牌化妆品; 品牌详细描述: HR赫莲娜是气质优雅、一生充满传奇色彩的赫莲娜(Helena Rubinstein)女士本世纪初创立的全球第一个国际性化妆品牌,被誉为“美容界的科学先驱”。 HR赫莲娜女士在1872生于波兰, 18岁时远赴澳大利亚,从事药物配方工作。因此擅长将药物配方科技使用在她的护肤品的配方中。从1902年,她在澳大利亚墨尔本开设第一家美容院起到现在, HR赫莲娜品牌已经遍及了51个国家,成为真正的美容王国。 HR赫莲娜品牌致力于服务那些期望获益于先进科技成果、体验明日美容领域惊人成就的女性。在国际最具实力的美容科技研究实验室的支持下,始终以“护肤先端医学高科技,彩妆领先时代新理念”为品牌理念,不论是融汇最先进的医学、整形外科科技的突破性护肤化妆品、体现独特护肤理念的“个性化护肤方案”――均衡调理方案和深度修护方案、或是凝聚卓越科技成果、高贵包装、丰润质感和新颖创意于一身的潮流化妆品,HR赫莲娜凭籍其前瞻性视野,开拓潮流新路向,为未来美容护肤奠定新标准。 2000年,HR赫莲娜品牌进军中国,把高科技的护肤、时尚的彩妆带到中国,满足爱美女性的需要。

World ten big disguise one of the brands--PLACENTIN(世界十大化妆品品牌之帕斯婷placentin)

The category that the Placentin Pa Si Ting reborn vegetable belong to protects a skin article The brand Pa Si Ting(placentin) belong to protects a skin article
Placentin帕斯婷再生素所属类别 护肤品 所属品牌 帕斯婷(placentin)护肤品
The international authority medical science anti- decrepitude protects skin famous brand a cosmetics- Pa Si Ting, come from currently the history is the most long in the world, technique most the forerunner's gene cell and the living creature technical research and produce the life science institute for research of the organization-Switzerland.that hospital own living creatures from world-wide locations, genetics, embryo histology chemistry, clinical learn etc. the professional researcher of the realm, all of the Doctor of Paul Niehans and nucleic acid finder Michels are Nobel prize gainers.
About 70 in the last yearses, that hospital's research in medical science hairdressing, had and can't act for of leadership and demonstration function, particularly at human body anti- decrepitude, hairdressing health care etc. application aspect, obtained uncommon and outstanding achievement.The scientist of Switzerland life science institute for research walk ascend the research development that the medical science, health, hairdressing combine together road, and in the academic result, technique applied, product development the aspect walk at the ex- row of world!
Rely on Switzerland life science institute for research is placed in a sophisticated technique of go together the industry, the Pa Si Ting brand is from here born and head for world!
国际权威医学抗衰老护肤名牌化妆品 ----- 帕斯婷, 源于目前世界上历史最悠久、技术最先进的基因细胞及生物技术的研究和生产机构 -----瑞士生命科学研究院。该院拥有来自世界各地的生物、遗传学、胚胎组织学化学、临床学等领域的专业研究人员, Paul Niehans博士和核酸发现者 Michel都是诺贝尔奖获得者。
近70年来, 该院在医学美容的研究方面, 起到了不可替代的领导和示范作用, 尤其在人体抗衰老、美容保健等应用方面,取得了非凡卓越的成就。瑞士生命科学研究院的科学家走上了将医学、养生、美容相结合的研究开发道路,并且在学术成果、技术应用、产品开发方面走在了世界的前列 !

World ten big disguise one of the brands--SHUUEMURA(世界十大化妆品品牌之植树秀)

充满传奇色彩和独特理念的名牌化妆品植村秀,自20世纪60年代创立品牌以来,以品质和服务风靡全球,不仅获得专业人士的拥护,更深受中外女性消费者的欢迎。迄今,植村秀在世界各地已开设了200多家美容专门店和专柜。 “植村秀”的品牌创始人,是当今世界著名化妆艺术大师——植村秀先生。植村秀是日本第一位男性化妆师,也是第一位在好莱坞成名的日本化妆师。作为全球首创“风尚妆容”的先驱,他从1968年开始推出化妆的舞台表演,因而被誉为“将化妆升华成为艺术之第一人”。 植村秀追求“自然、科学、艺术”的完美融合,并以此开发全线完善的美容化妆品,以满足现代女性的不同需求,旗下化妆品涉及三大领域,包括引领风尚的彩妆化妆品,科技创新的护肤系列,以及品质卓越的专业化妆用具。 其中,许多化妆品以其独特的概念和完美的品质而有口皆碑,明星化妆品:洁颜油创下了全球每30秒售出一瓶的惊人记录;海洋深层水成为世界上第一款运用深海水为原料制成的美容化妆品;单色眼影百余款色泽更是迄今无人能比。而植村秀的化妆用具,一直以来都是全球专业化妆师的囊中至爱,植村秀的化妆品倍受诸如麦当娜、詹妮弗-洛佩兹、格温妮斯-派特洛等国际大牌明星的青睐。

The famous brand cosmetics which is full of a legend color with special principle plants a village show, have become popular a world by quality kimono's duty since the 60's in 20 centuries established brand and not only acquire the advocacy of professional, but also deeply is welcome among the Chinese and Foreign female consumer.Plant up to the present the village show has already set up more than 200 stores with specialized hairdressings in the world-wide locations with particularly cabinet.
The brand of "shuuemura" initiates a person, is the disguise art of Zhao in the world nowadays master-plant a village show a Sir.Planting a village show that day originally the first male make-up man is also the Japanese make-up man that the first is located on establish a reputation in Hollywood.Be the pioneer whom the world founds "the vogue makeup permit", he has released the satge performance of disguise since 1968, as a result is praise for"sublimate a disguise to become an art the first person".
Plant the perfect fusion that the village show pursues "nature, science, art", and develops the whole lineses perfect hairdressing cosmetics with this to satisfy the modern female's different need, the underneath cosmetics involves three greatest realms, include a make-up cosmetics of guide the vogue, science and technology creatively protects skin series, and the quality outstanding professional disguise tools and implements.
Among them, many cosmeticses with its special concept with perfect quality but enjoy great popularity, star cosmetics:The oil of Jie Yan set a world each 30 to sell a bottle astonishing record;The ocean deep water becomes Section 1 hairdressing cosmetics which make use of deep sea water to make into for the raw material in the world;Monochrome eye shadow 100 left over sum color and lusters aring also no mans can compare up to the present.But plant the disguise tools and implements of village show, always is a most love in the bag of all global professional make-up man, the cosmetics which plants a village show is subjected to such as the wheat be Nuo, Zhan Ni2 Fu2-Luo to wear, space Wen Ni2 Si-parties especially Luo etc. the favor of the international popular star.

World ten big disguise one of the brands--MAYBELLINE(世界十大化妆品品牌之美宝莲)

The product explain
Contain vitamin C and fair grain, release fair energy, even function skin surface, perfect cover up minor faults, in a twinkling create pure white have no time of evenly clean skin color.Special pearl Huan colourful particle, lift a bright skin color, create clear in meaning have no time a natural makeup to permit.
Operation method
Take quantity each time with the finger tip press to press a Mu department foundation cream twice for proper.Distinguish foundation cream lightly is order in up the position of sum, two cheeks, lower jaw, tip of nose, then from the introverted outside is according to the cheeks, ascend a sum, bridge of nose and descend the sequence of Han, eye socket, neck to lightly clap to open.
In 1913, the American chemist William Mu Si(T.L.WILLAMS) was his younger sister to invent a beautiful treasure lotus mascara.That is for the sake of help younger sister the beautiful treasure(MABEL) win her male friend of heart, at that time, the male friend of beautiful treasure sliced to love to ascend another woman especially(CHET).The William Mu Si mixed Vaseline gum and Tan powder and making into 1 kind can make the eyelash become a black and airtight moving cream body.This is the first mascara in the world!In 1914, the first mascara first attempt oriole Ti.Slice to be especially been full of the eyes of magic power by the beautiful treasure draw on, two people eventually become dependents.In 1915, the William Mu Si established a company.He will he English of younger sister's name and Vaseline put together to write a combination together and named after the beautiful treasure lotus(Maybelline) to the company.Beautiful treasure lotus series inception with mail order and do an advertised way to carry on sale on the magazine.In 1917, the first paper back mascara appear on market.Immediately, the women all get to daily necessity store in vie with each other in purchase.In 1930, the beautiful treasure lotus eyeliner publish.In 1920, the beautiful treasure lotus releases "the enchantment(the infinite romantic feeling exert in the eyes) of the glow with of the Eyes that" series.This be the beautiful treasure lotus head style eye shadow the series appear on market.In 1932, for satisfying the consumer warm need, the beautiful treasure lotus' beginning sells mascara in various store.The selling price was 10 cent of the United Stateses of a product at that time and had already become the delicacy of collector today.In 1960, beautiful treasure lotus with she by herself the special way shout an arrival for 60 ages-a kind of tube of watertightness pack mascara Ultra Lash to publish-this is the first face to the public to consume a market of from automatically sell the mascara that machine sell.In 1967, the William Mu Si sells a beautiful Bao3 Lian2 company.In 1969, the operation center of beautiful treasure lotus moves to the MEMPHIS from the ILLINOIS(the Yi inside promise Si).(Man Fei Si)In 1970, at the 70's, the beautiful treasure lotus starts be engaged in foundation cream, lips makeup and beautiful A series the development and production of the product.In 1971, the Qiao airtight mascara(Great Lash) publish.Water of this kind of powder body Cui hat washes a mascara, average each 1.5 sell 1, is the United States, Europe, South America, England and head in Asia nowadays choose of the heat sell a cosmetics.It overcomes a secret recipe to be keep secret strictly, it the endless magic power is also a not in context of present discussion.In 1975, the factory moves to the stone city(LITTLE ROCK).Today, this as if art Kingdom the factory of the sort be the biggest make-up to produce one of the bases in the world.In 1991, the beautiful treasure lotus put forward the slogan of "the United States come from heart, the United States comes from a beautiful treasure lotus" and expressed a beautiful treasure lotus and reappear a large female gifted spiritual beauty of conviction.In 1996, the Lai in Europe graceful group(L'Or é al) procures a beautiful treasure lotus.That action announced science and technology innovation will with more perfect dissolve of the make-up authority together.June, the beautiful treasure lotus is all move by the Man Fei Si to the world vogues New York.American treasure lotus New York of the famous brand cosmetics was born!With the patent technique of breakthrough, the beautiful Bao3 Lian2 company released the Yan colourful series(Great Wear) product of new development and include:Lips department make-up, eye department make-up and hide a Xia product.In 1997, everything lead, never blind with.The beautiful treasure lotus released "in a sudden makeup" series.Come from the inspiration of beautiful treasure lotus quickly dry nail polish of"colourful in a sudden", "in a sudden makeup" series include lipstick, lip-shaping pencil two unite as one of lipstick(Lip Express), mascara(Volum' Express) with in a sudden makeup eyeliner(Liner Express).In 1998, beautiful treasure lotus New York since 1995 landed China, its lipstick sells quantity steady reside the first in the whole country!In 2000, according to the covariance of US Nielsen, in whole beautiful make-up products on the market, the beautiful treasure lotus sells quantity and sales amounts all the row first.

1913年,美国化学家威廉姆斯(T.L.WILLAMS)为他的妹妹发明了美宝莲睫毛膏。那是为了帮助妹妹美宝(MABEL)赢得她男友的心,当时,美宝的男友切特(CHET)恋上了另一个女子。威廉姆斯混合了凡士林胶和炭粉,调制成一种能使睫毛变得黑密动人的膏体。这就是世界上第一支睫毛膏!1914年,第一支睫毛膏初试莺啼。切特被美宝充满魅力的双眸所吸引,两人终成眷属。1915年,威廉姆斯成立了公司。他将他妹妹名字和凡士林的英文拼写组合在一起,把公司命名为美宝莲(Maybelline)。美宝莲系列起初是以邮购和在杂志上做广告的方式来进行销售的。1917年,第一款简装睫毛膏上市。随之,妇女们都到日用品店里争相购买。1930年,美宝莲眼线笔问世。1920年,美宝莲推出“Eyes that glow with enchantment(无限风情尽在双眸)”系列。这是美宝莲首款眼影系列上市。1932年,为了满足消费者热烈的需求,美宝莲开始在各种商店销售睫毛膏。当时售价为10美分的一个产品,今天已经成为收藏家的珍品。1960年,美宝莲以她自己特有的方式欢呼60年代的到来—一种防水的管装睫毛膏Ultra Lash问世—这是第一个面向大众消费市场的由自动售卖机出售的睫毛膏。1967年,威廉姆斯出售美宝莲公司。1969年,美宝莲的营运中心从ILLINOIS(伊里诺斯)迁至MEMPHIS(曼斐斯)。1970年,在70年代,美宝莲开始从事粉底、唇妆及美甲系列产品的开发与生产。1971年,俏密睫毛膏(Great Lash)问世。这种粉身翠帽的水洗型睫毛膏,平均每1.5秒售出一支,是当今美国、欧洲、南美、英伦以及亚洲首选的热销化妆品。它的制胜秘方被严格保密,它无穷的魅力更是不在话下。1975年,工厂迁至(LITTLE ROCK)小石城。今天,这个犹如艺术王国般的工厂是世界上最大的彩妆生产基地之一。1991年,美宝莲提出了“美来自内心,美来自美宝莲”的口号,表达了美宝莲要再现广大女性与生俱来的内在美的信念。1996年,欧莱雅集团(L’Oréal)收购美宝莲。该举动宣告了科技创新将与彩妆权威更完美的溶合在一起。6月,美宝莲由曼斐斯迁至世界时尚之都纽约。名牌化妆品美宝莲纽约诞生了!以突破性的专利技术,美宝莲公司推出了新开发的妍彩系列(Great Wear)产品,包括:唇部彩妆、眼部彩妆及遮瑕产品。1997年,事事领先,永不盲随。美宝莲推出了“瞬妆”系列。源于美宝莲“瞬彩”快干指甲油的灵感,“瞬妆”系列包括将唇膏、唇线笔二合一的唇膏(Lip Express)、睫毛膏(Volum’ Express)和瞬妆眼线笔(Liner Express)。1998年,美宝莲纽约自1995年登陆中国以来,其唇膏销量稳居全国第一!2000年,根据 US Nielsen 的统计,在全美彩妆产品市场上,美宝莲的销量和营业额都名列第一。

World ten big disguise one of the brands--GUERLAIN(世界十大化妆品品牌之娇兰)

The orchid of GUERLAIN Jiao lifts Luo can the sunlight ancient bronze work powder a round flat cake
The Jiao orchid lifts Luo can the sunlight ancient bronze work powder a round flat cake, super and dumb light tone, emphasize to without bead light of nature tan a makeup effect, this have no light the powder makeup deeply wears light pink, absolutely is you of secret weapon.
Unrivalled of of the famous brand cosmetics Jiao orchid Huan colourful meteor powder ball, the miraculous magic makes the person irresistable;
The Jiao orchid brand describes in detail:The Jiao orchid was established in 1828.Released a deluxe lady bathroom thing and trip thing in 1994.Designer DanielePaturel by dint of its specialist, expand the imposing position of Jiao orchid further to go together with a decoration industry.A series are new of the product include disguise bag, leather to travek bag, silk quality or towel bathrobe, hairbrush, comb and have various disguises tools that the colors choose.All of all cosmeticses make in France, the quality wins a person a raise.But latest of cosmetics, such as true in fine threads towel, bathroom glass tools and implements, cloth system and leather thing and gift, style numerous.

娇兰品牌详细描述 :娇兰创建于1828年。1994年推出了高级女士浴室用品及旅行用品。设计师DanielePaturel凭着其专才,将娇兰的显赫地位进一步拓展至配饰业。一系列新的产品包括化妆袋、皮革旅行袋、丝质或毛巾浴袍、发刷、梳子及有多种颜色选择的化妆工具。所有化妆品全于法国制造,品质胜人一筹。而最新的化妆品,如真丝丝巾、浴室玻璃用具、布制及皮革用品及礼品,款式繁多。

World ten big disguise one of the brands--CLARINS(世界十大化妆品牌之一娇韵诗)

The Japanese girl makes up to wrap an inside can't little famous brand cosmetics Jiao rhyme poem eyelash raincoat;
The Jiao rhyme poem brand describes in detail:The Jiao rhyme poem CLARINS is to produce from France of the cosmetics brand of Zhao in the world, the Jiao rhyme Europe, the United States of the cosmetics sale of the poem CLARINS, Japan waits whole world many nation, these are flourishing the nation have a strict market to take charge of a mechanism, its cosmetics beard is safe through strict examination, just can at these flourishing nation sale, the public's trust of its examination can trust, so, the safety of the cosmetics of the Jiao rhyme poem CLARINS, completely can trust.
The Jiao rhyme poem CLARINS is grow breast with production, Xian body, weight reduction etc. function cosmetics but Zhao call, be known for a world, can call function a cosmetics the first brand, is just establishing the show of cosmetics profession Zhao position that it is in the world because of the usefulness of its cosmetics.According to the global customer's total feedback, the effect is good.

娇韵诗品牌详细描述 :娇韵诗CLARINS是产自法国的世界著名化妆品品牌,娇韵诗CLARINS化妆品销售欧洲,美国,日本等全世界许